Come take a look at my interviews with smart people. You know you wanna . . . .
October 24, 2017
A Strange Periscope: John Freeman on Poetry & Politics
The Sunday Rumpus Interview with Heidi Julavits
October 24, 2012
My interview with the brilliant and always charming Heidi. Here we discuss her novel, THE VANISHERS among other things. (I really need a new interview with Heidi!) Read on!
Karla Kelsey in Conversation with Angela Stubbs: The Nervous Breakdown Interview
May 8, 2011
Karla Kelsey shares her thoughts on lyric poetry, philosophy and life.
Sarah Manguso in conversation with Angela Stubbs @ The Rumpus
May 6, 2012
Sarah Manguso discusses her latest work, The Guardians where we discuss, life, death and the process of grieving, among other things.
Gina Frangello in conversation with Angela Stubbs
September 23, 2010
The wonderfully talented and witty Ms. Gina Frangello discusses her work with me for the Sunday Edition of the Rumpus.
The TNB interview with Karla Kelsey
May 8, 2011
Karla Kelsey discusses Iteration Nets
A Conversation with Aimee Bender
December 1, 2010
Aimee Bender discusses The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake with Angela Stubbs @ The Nervous Breakdown
Charles Baxter in Conversation with Angela Stubbs @ Bookslut.com
November 2008
Charles discusses "The Soul Thief" with Angela Stubbs @ Bookslut
Derek White in Conversation with Angela Stubbs @ Bookslut.com
March 2008
Angela Stubbs interviews Derek White about Sleepingfish, being an independent editor and his latest work, Poste Restante
An Interview with Steve Erickson
December 2007
Angela Stubbs discusses Zeroville with Steve Erickson @ Bookslut.com
Danielle Dutton in conversation with Angela Stubbs
April 2007
Angela Stubbs discusses Danielle Dutton's debut work, "Attempts At A Life" @ Bookslut.com
Heidi Julavits in conversation with Angela Stubbs
February 2007
Angela Stubbs discusses psychics, psychology & her latest work, "The Uses Of Enchantment" with Heidi Julavits @ Booklsut.com
An Interview with Brian Evenson
November 2006
Angela Stubbs discusses Mormonism, rituals and, "The Open Curtain" with author Brian Evenson.
An Interview with Bruce Bauman
September 2006
Angela Stubbs discusses And The Word Was with author Bruce Bauman @ Bookslut.com
Rachel Sherman in conversation with Angela Stubbs
July 2006
Angela Stubbs discusses Rachel Sherman's debut work, "The First Hurt"@ Bookslut.com
Salvador Plascencia in conversation with Angela Stubbs
July 2006
Salvador Plascencia discusses The People of Paper with Angela Stubbs @ Bookslut.com
An Interview With Jonathan Ames
March 2006
Jonathan Ames discusses his collection of essays with Angela Stubbs at Bookslut.com
Paul Mandelbaum in conversation with Angela Stubbs
February 2006
Paul Mandelbaum discusses his work from both "Adrienne on the Edge" and "Garrett In Wedlock" with Angela Stubbs
Aimee Bender Interview with Angela Stubbs@ Bookslut.com
September 2005
Aimee Bender discusses her latest collection of short fiction titled, "Willful Creatures" with Angela Stubbs
The LitPark Interview with Gina Frangello
September 16, 2006
Angela Stubbs interviews Gina Frangello about her debut novel, "My Sister's Continent" over at Susan Henderson's LitPark.
"To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man"