Angela StubbsThe Mathematics of Blissif there are mathematics involved in bliss then a: bliss is often a plus or a minus depending on how you look. If you look a plus if...
Angela StubbsCave Atlas: Field Notes For Finding YouIf I tell you how I know you, then you’d know all about chalk and stone walls and what this story looks like from the ground up. You...
Angela StubbsSwimming Towards The Vestibule of Truthimpermanence all around you say like you’ve bought a round of drinks for friends at a party in your honor. Connect the new faces at...
Angela StubbsObscure Images Of Your Muse1. she was always caught in the shutterbug’s spherical aberration. She emerged from its clutches a flawed subject. Blood pulsing through...
Angela StubbsA Beatingi hear clanging in my ear failing ding me, claim me it’s seize the space I’m in I say hide with crickets in thickets I say zest your...
Angela StubbsI'm An Expert At ConfessionsI’d love to steal one of your brother’s vintage cars and go for a spin. If I said come with me, we could be re-fashioning old, fearful...